Entrance to Niezijlsterdiep from Van Starkenborgh kanaal |
10.4°C Lots of
clouds, bits of blue sky, a few spots of rain first thing, sunny spells later.
Set off at 9.05am heading south on the Kommerzilsterrijte, sheltered from the
morning breezes by the high banks. A deer on the edge of a cornfield, lifted
its head, stared at the boat then leapt in the air and took off like a rocket
through the corn! Magic. Through the little town of Kommerzijl where a few
boats were moored, then back into fields at window height. The name of the
navigation changed to Kommerzijlsterdiep. Passed a tethered workboat piled high
with new wooden posts and old wooden planking, with a small open tugboat to
push it. Into
Niezijl, (another name change - Niezijlsterdiep) where we moored
once with Rosy in the narrow channel next to a mellow old brick-paved quay,
then under a two arched road bridge with traffic only allowed through the left
arch. Under trees for a short while then back into open fields and a farmhouse
with a pile of shrink-wrapped bales of hay, stacked high. Paused at the end of
the canal while Mike connected the Markon so I could do some more washing
whilst travelling down the wide deep (5m+) Van Starkenborghkanaal. An empty commercial
went past, Noorderkroon, followed by a cruiser on the main line. It didn’t move
the boat much
even though we weren’t tied to anything. Turned left heading east
on the Van Starkenborgh, as a cruiser went past heading west and we were soon
overtaken by another that had just come out of the Hoendiep. A bunkership
called Klaas de Boer from Urk, was fast catching us up as we were approaching a
bend with a railway bridge going into Zuidhorn, so Mike did a 360°about turn to
follow him through the bridge. Two cruisers heading west passed us on the far
side of Zuidhorn, where they were building a new high concrete bridge. A smart
new Dutch Barge called Florence IV went past also heading for Friesland, its
crew waving; it was British flagged and had its dimensions on the stern (about
26m x 4m) and construction
date of 2005. A loaded barge called Shalimar
(110mx11.45m 3007T) went past just before the crossroads with the Aduarderdiep.
Crossed the Reitdiep with a lock on our right. The washing machine finished just
in time for us to slow down for Paderpoelsterbrug swingbridge. Calcite 4 went
through heading west, then we nipped through as loaded commercial Dorinta
followed us. Hung on the waiting posts while Mike extracted the drive pins and
just had time to fling the rope off as Calcite 6 came through the bridge and
overtook us. An 86m empty went past and a couple of cruisers overtook us as we
went into the suburbs of the city of Gronignen. Passed the end of the
Boterdiep, lined on one bank with moored houseboats. A quay next to
Boterdiep had a tap with instructions on calling channel 68 to get it
activated, we hadn’t got time to stop as we went under the next liftbridge with
a headroom of 2.4m, Korrewegbrug had a swingbridge and bascule pedestrian/cycle
paths either side. We followed the two cruisers that had overtaken us earlier
into Oostersluis alongside loaded boats Dorinta and Calcite 6. The crew of
three men on the latter boat were very chatty and asked all the usual
questions. I asked what they were carrying, calcium carbonate for
paper-whitening, which they were taking on the Eemskanaal, then up the Ems in
Germany to a paperworks somewhere on the
Rhine. The lock filled slowly by just over a metre. Dorinta left first,
followed by the two cruisers which turned right on the Eemskanaal and we
followed them, Calcite 6 followed us out of the
chamber and turned left on the
Eemskanaal. The German cruiser that had been in front of us in the lock was
sitting in the middle right in front of the first liftbridge, Oosterhavenbrug,
which was high enough at 3.8m for us to get under easily. Mike hooted but he
didn’t shift but the bridge opened so we followed him through and then he
moored just after the bridge in the Oosterhaven. We carried on down the
Zuiderhaven verbindungskanaal, passing under all of the lifting bridges;
Trompbrug 3m, Oosterbrug 3.2m, Herebrug 3.8m and Emmabrug 3.2m. When we came to
the crossroads we turned left for Eelderbrug at the start of the Nord
Willemskanaal; two Dutch cruisers were coming from our right as we turned left,
the wind was blowing us around to our right as Mike called the bridge control
on channel 9 and the lights changed, then Mike just managed to swing the bows
round into the bridge as it l
ifted. (As the bridge started working and the
barriers came down a lad on a cycle went hurtling across – he’d gone through
red lights - and the lowering barriers nearly hit him on the head even though
he was hunkered down as low as he could get!) As soon as we were through the
bridge the two cruisers overtook us on the 300m to the next low bridge
Eendrachtsbrug, it opened within minutes and we followed them to the next,
about another 300m, another low bridge Abel Tasmanbrug, then Van Halbrug before
the railway bridge, a longer distance to Parkbrug and followed them through it
when it opened, we noticed they were through when the lights were red/green and
didn’t wait for the green. Another boat was waiting on the far side of Parkbrug
to come through. The two cruisers had tied up to wait for the A7 motorway
bridge when we arrived, but we could get under it without having it lifted so
we kept going and Mike called the bridge control and asked them to lift the
Muntinghbrug, which they did - but left the red lights on! We
carried on through the two bridges. Two more bridges, Van Iddekingebrug and Van
Ketwich-Vverschuurbrug lifted as we approached them like magic. Between all the
bridges in the city there had been rows of moored Dutch barge houseboats,
mostly well cared for but a few looked abandoned. As we cleared the city the
noisy A28 motorway followed the canal on the left bank. One small cruiser went
past and we were overtaken by a rowing skiff with six young ladies working hard
and a prone cox at the bow who looked asleep! Noted that access to the
Hornsemeer was restricted in width (probably just for canoes) as were the other
access channels for the lakes. A large group of cruisers were moored by the
lake (invisible from the canal through the trees). The lady rowers turned back
at Meerwegbrug which also lifted as we arrived – this one was worked by a lady
keeper who waved and shouted hello. Took a photo of De Witte Molen (the white
mill) and shortly after signs announced that we had left Groningen and were now
in Drenthe Province. There were some moorings by a swingbridge called
Oesterbroeksebrug and we would have stopped there but the bridge lights were on
red/green so we continued. A man worked the bridge from a control cabin on the
left, he waved as we went past. We stopped below the first lock, De Punt, as
there were mooring posts on both banks. We threw lines around the posts on the
sloping grassy bank on the left bank. The guy on the cruiser in front was
painting his boat. It was 4.20 pm and the sun was shining.
Calcit 6 in Ooostersluis |
Eemskanaal at Groningen |
Junction Eeemskanaal at Groningen |
Amazing building in Groningen |
Van Hallburg liftbridge. Nord Willemskanaal |
Mooring below De Punt lock. Nord Willemskanaal |
Glass plane on traffic island by local airport |